Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sweet Angels

There is nothing like the smile of a child,
so genuine and loving in all of their innocence.
The world my be unfair at times and cause you feelings of the unknown,
but know that we love you and think of you both so.
Whenever you feel a sense of loss,
remember what was taught, that when you look into the night sky,
you wish upon that star,
star light star bright, we are both wishing on the same stars tonight.
If ever you shall feel at all a bit sad,
remember we will never leave you, even if we are not seen,
we will always be in your hearts.
Time may be going by, but always remember,
not a day goes by, my sweet angels, that we don't think of you,
miss you and look forward to the day we can finally hold you.

- Sending all my love to the sweet angels in my life that I miss so very much. We will all be together again soon. xoxo

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