Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Sometimes it seems tough to stay positive, but you have to remember that is the key. Lately I have been, I guess I would say "tested" in my life. I have been having many ups and many downs. The funny thing is how quick we are to hold on to what is bringing us down rather then keep the excitement for the things to come.  I have never understood why we do that, but a part of me believes that sometimes we hold on to the bad to really appreciate the good. I have come to understand that if you take a little time to meditate you will not only start to come to peace with the issues but you also start to understand a little more within yourself. Time flies by so quickly that we don't even realize the little things that keep slipping by, how taking 5 minuets to really get lost in yourself can make a huge difference.
I recently was in the process of moving and I came across a journal that I kept while I was in High school. It was so great to look over everything I wrote, I remember all the things I was writing about and a part of me said to myself, "I remember when I was like that". A part of me missed that, but more I think was me feeling that I had lost a part of me. A part of me got sucked into a certain kind of life, where I was allowing a lot of negativity in and I wasn't even realizing that I was attracting it. When you take the time to look at yourself and see the bigger picture you realize that the window of negativity you may have slightly cracked open is allowing more and more negative issues in until you close that window and open the door to the positive side.
Moving away from home is always a test, you grow so much from the experience, but keep up the positive spirit or there is a chance it will break you. Fear nothing, for you are who you are and nothing will change that. Stay true to yourself and follow your dream, it is yours and no one else can take that away from you.
Quote of the Day-
A man's failure to question the ideas by which he lives keeps his life as it is. - Vernon Howard


  1. Eloquently spoken as usual. Thank you for the positive words today. I will go home and try to keep them in my thoughts as my children drive me up the wall :) Hope all is well with you!

  2. It seems I have to tell myself to stay postive more and more every day. It is true we hold on to the negative more than we should. Embracing the positive parts of our lives and holding onto them should leave less room for the negative things, right? Love your words and quote of the day :).

  3. When you focus on the negative it doesn't leave much room for the positive. Then you realize that everything around you is negative and you wonder why, but you are attracting it. Most of us are drawn to the negative because we focus on how we want to change it. Keeping up the positive thoughts will quickly eliminate the negative ones.
